Hello everyone!
My name is Danilo and I'm a Senior Political Science Major at Binghamton University. I am currently applying to Law schools and plan on pursuing a career in entertainment and copyright law. I am very well versed in technology and the internet and am taking this class because I realize the importance of the internet and the "digital age" in the realm of copyrights. I am focused mainly on these questions: All these blog posts, video files, mp3s, and pictures that we post on the internet - who's information is it really? How do you define "digital" information? Where does the line blur between digital information and intangible information? These are all things that I plan on explore in my studies at law school, and I believe this class will help me get a better idea of the internet frontier, beyond what I currently know.
A little about me: I was borned in the former-Yugoslavia, which is Serbia now. My father is from Serbia, and is mother from Croatia - two countries that had been war torn for years. Luckily, unlike the countries themselves, my parents managed to stay married for all these years. We moved to the United States (Queens, NY) when I was 6 years old. I speak Serbian fluently with my parents, as well as having learned Spanish by living in Spain for a while.
In my free time, I am normally listening to music, reading the news, or DJing. I have been DJing for over 5 years now and have owned and operated my own production company. Now in Binghamton, I spend me nights DJing at the Rathskeller Bar&Grill (downtown State St.) and other nightclubs and venues. I plan on continuing my DJ career when I move back to New York City to go to law school next semester.
I have interned at the NYC DA's Office for Digital Money Laundering, the Broome County Public Defender's Office, General Motors Asset Management, and most recently I am doing a private internship with a lawyer that does credit and immigration law.
Shameless self promotion:
I posted a picture of my DJ logo - DJ DECIBEL
and some of my mixtapes can be downloaded here for free:
Hello Danilo,
ReplyDeleteI downloaded your January 2010 mixtape and played it for my suite! We think it's great. You deffinetely have talent.
Keep up the good work!