Sunday, May 15, 2011

Communication or Advertisement?

The film, “The Social Network”, really got the ball rolling on what ‘Facebook’ really is. It’s been an empty cloud of sorts that kind of just chills above us, but after watching this film, you start to get a sense of the space it was created in, what the site does, and possibly what its suppose to do. Of course, everyone has their own translation, and that is quite possibly why it is so popular; people use it for different reasons.

To understand Facebook, the film took a basic ‘rewind’ outlook on how it was created by recreating the beginning interactions and goals before the site was created. This feeling of having a social network that did not exist brings people back to how it felt without one. Of course, now we are so use to it, but this gives viewers the chance to really analyze it as a “thing” and not necessarily as a “society” in which many believe they cannot live without.

Some believe that its intention was for communication, but the film brings up much stronger points, one of an ‘advertisement’ aspect. It is not communication between individuals as if one was talking to another, but communication as if one is screaming across a crowd of people to another. Every word is seen no matter whom it is to; it is a completely open social network. Users of Facebook realize this and make every word, photo, etc. count, for it will be seen by a mass amount of users. This becomes an individual’s ‘ad’ just like a product/item ad. And what do we know about ads? They rarely tell the truth.

Now this is where I tell you to add me on facebook to hear more..

Just kidding ;)

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