Sunday, February 13, 2011

EconLit is a database that can be accessed through the library database online through the library website.The program itself is called EBSCO Host and its able to run searches that are specifically geared to Economic literarture and research. When the user enters the home page the search format of the program is in basic form at the top of the screen, but as the user navigates lower onto the page, they are able to have more complete search options, including the option for full text. In the basic search option the user is also able to ask for a visual search and has a complete record of there search history. Along the top right corner of the screen the user is able to sign in the the program, where it is able to keep record of the person's searches. In the tabs at the top right the user is also able to have specific search preferences that are always present in future searches. Also the tab labled as "folder" keeps a running record of what websites that the user has searched in one sitting at the computer, most likely in the need for reference back for citiations, etc. Finally the user has the tab for asking a librarian a question if the user has a question. The website itself allows the user for easy access around and with the "folder" feature, the user is able to keep track of their search which allows easy back and forth references.

EconLit: Feb 13th 2011

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