Sunday, February 13, 2011

Communication is..

Communication is a common, or even an uncommon, transaction of information, ideas, feelings, or any variety of visuals between a sender and a receiver. However, the standard ways of communicating, by word of mouth or through printed text, have changed due to the existence of the internet, the virtual reality it exposes everyone of its users to, and commercialization. [1] Also, due to the various forms of communication that have been shaped and created as a result of those factors, (cyber communication and mass communication), have become a tool used by private corporations and at times, the government, in order to sustain domination, and censorship over a society, through "persuasion and manipulation". [2]

"The revolutionary shift from communication to mass communication... finally overturned a delicate balance between the authenticity of individual expression and the inauthenticity of institutionally manufactured articulations of reality in the twentieth century." [3]

In other words, different mediums of communication (i.e printed texts), were once a reliable and individual source of information. However, now that mass communication has become a "primary source in the determination of society"[4], economic and political interests have become the priority.[5]
Even though there are different forms of communication that allow people in the global community to transmit and receive information (i.e the internet), there is no telling how greatly it has effected the way people, and societies go about their lives, and there is no telling what the current forms of communication will evolve in the future, and what else there is to come.

Hardt, Hanno. Myths for the Masses: An Essay on Mass Communication. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2004. Book.

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